Saturday, December 12, 2009

Hypocrisy of American Media

Why doesn't anyone in the mainstream media investigate the countless lies and exaggerations of Barack Obama? There are dozens upon dozens of stories and media clips (both video and audio) of Barack Obama lying. These are not stories and clips of him making small errors. These are examples of lies in every sense of the word. For example:

Consider Obama’s story for the Selma audience about how he had been conceived by his parents, Barack Obama Sr. and Ann Dunham, because they had been inspired by the fervor following the “Bloody Sunday” voting rights demonstration that was commemorated March 4. “There was something stirring across the country because of what happened in Selma, Alabama,” he said, “because some folks are willing to march across a bridge. So they got together and Barack Obama Jr. was born. So don’t tell me I don’t have a claim on Selma, Alabama. Don’t tell me I’m not coming home to Selma, Alabama”Obama was born in 1961, and the Selma march occurred four years later, in 1965. The New York Times reported that when the senator was asked about the discrepancy later that day, he clarified: “I meant the whole civil rights movement.”

There is no way that this could have been possible and I don't know why this doesn't offend people that were there in Selma during this time. What about the Civil Rights activists who suffered and died for what they believe in? Barack Obama is exploiting this movement to make himself seem as though he is a civil rights leader.

And another:

March 7th 2008 — Obama’s courage: Contrary to a recent hyperbolic campaign ad, it wasn’t “courageous” to give his 2002 anti-war speech, primarily because he delivered it at an anti-Iraq war rally.At the last debate, America’s former co-president claimed that it was easy to give that speech, and it wasn’t a gamble for him because he wasn’t in the US Senate and therefore wasn’t in a position of responsibility. Obama’s impassioned reply was, “I was in the midst of a U.S. Senate campaign. It was a high-stakes campaign.”Wrong. In reality, Obama did not announce his intentions to run for the US Senate until January 2003.

How can anyone refute these examples? They can't. Democrats get angry, vulgar and personal when an opinion is given that they disagree with. I posted on a "google group" recently and this is what happened:

Luke wrote:
"I hope conservatives can cripple the democratic party the way Obama is going to. His approval rating is plummeting the way the American dollar is. Watch inflation rise and our economy fall. Another Carter is in office. To all the democrats who are going to argue and insult me; why are your savior's ratings falling dramatically?"

Squirltop (google groups) said:
"For starters quit referring him to be as a jesus or GOD you f****ng subhuman baby raper"

These type posts are so immature and hateful. This is one of many, many posts I have recieved that have been vulgar and completely out of line. Although, baby raper takes the cake.

The media should be investigating the lies of Barack Hussein Obama and the American people should understand that our president isn't only a crook; he may very well be a moron.

Some of this info was acquired from the following sites (check them out, they're cool):

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Pensions In Illinois

Pension Crisis

There are some definite financial issues plaguing America today. These issues are greatly affecting the citizens of this once prosperous country.
With the soured economy draining money from the fed and pulling jobs from the people of America, we, as American citizens, need to ask ourselves, “Is there money being wasted or spent unwisely”? The answer to this question is most definitely a resounding yes.
Because speaking of all the areas in which the U.S. government is wasting our money would take much more time than intended, I will write only about government employee pensions in Illinois.
Illinois is driving itself deep into debt with government pensions. In 2008, according to Blagojevich’s administration, the pension debt in Illinois would exceed 44 billion dollars by the summer of 2008. There are some people in Illinois who are receiving 10's of thousands of dollars a month in pensions. These numbers are astounding. Even more astounding is the fact that the citizens of Illinois and the United States either don’t know or don’t care that we are spending money we don’t have so we can pay government worker’s pensions.
For the year 2009, most taxpayers in Illinois will be paying 6.2% of their income for social security benefits and 1.45% for Medicare. Then, the employer pays 6.2% for social security and 1.45% for Medicare. That means, for every employee, there is 12.4% of their income paid for social security and about 3% for Medicare. This means that 15% of the employees income is paid in taxes for retirement benefits. The self-employed have to pay the 15% for themselves. The general age for retirement in Illinois is 66-67 years of age. Government employees pay around half these numbers for retirement benefits and they're eligible for retirement at 55 years old. We are paying taxes on our income, our automobiles, our gas, food, clothes and who knows what else while the state of Illinois has already fallen into debt by more than we can even imagine. Now, Governor Pat Quinn wants to raise taxes in Illinois and insists on paying these outrageous pensions. The state of Illinois has the highest pension debt in the nation! How can this be justified?
The citizens of this country and the state of Illinois need to realize the facts of this pension crisis and they need to realize that while people all over the country are losing jobs, cars and houses, many government employees are receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in pensions. The state of Illinois is broke and we need to fix it. The United States of America is broke and we need to fix it. This is the citizen’s money; this is our money and we DO have the right to know where our money is being spent.

Some useful websites on this subject:

Thank you,

Aurora, IL