Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Get In Line...Unemployment Line!

Boy, what a shock it was to hear of the mass layoffs in Rhode Island.  Some people would feel very sad....I'm happier than heck to hear they fired them all. I love to hear of arrogant people losing their jobs in this economy. My boss asks me to work Sunday sometimes and I'm salary. If I told him no, I might get fired. Plus, I have loyalty to my company and pride in my work. These teachers didn't have either.  Good riddance to bad rubbish. 

Get in the unemployment line with the private sector. With the unemployment the way it is, those jobs will be filled in no time. The teacher's union is a waste of time and money....

These teachers in this union have been babied long enough.  There's American's losing their jobs and companies closing their doors and these "teachers" have the audacity to hold their hands out and ask for more.  Their minds are numbed by too many Obama speeches.

Article from Washington Post

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Update on Pension Crisis in America

Illinois is falling further into debt because of pensions. Now they have gone as far as to borrow money to pay government employee pensions.

Illinois politicians are at it again. They're borrowing from the future to make state pension contributions today.

In early January, while everyone was busy watching the nasty campaign commercials, the State of Illinois pulled an end-run on the budget process. On Jan. 7 the state sold $3.5 billion of "pension obligation notes." In simple English, the state borrowed money to finance the state's contribution to its five retirement systems.

In November 2009, the state's Pension Modernization Task Force sent its recommendations to Gov. Quinn. The Task Force concluded that Illinois' unfunded pension liability exceeds $61 billion! And that number is growing exponentially(Note: Projections have it at $89 billion by the end of the fiscal year).

Illinois now has public debt of more than $130 BILLION. Unlike the federal government, our state cannot simply create new money to pay its bills. At some point -- and that point is very near -- investors will no longer be willing to lend money that cannot be repaid.

It's amazing that the Fat Pat Quinn, abortion loving democrat, will probably get voted in again...Illinois is such a liberal state; they would rather have a liberal in office that ruins us financially (like Obama federally), than have a fiscally conservative republican in office.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Democrats Are Running out of Gas...

You gotta love these depictions of Obama. Some parade in Germany featured these floats of Obama. Germany did a wonderful job here!

Demmies all over America are "bowing out" so as to save face during the elections! Kennedy and Evan Bayh are just two of the pro-death democrats who are not going to run for election. They are probably going to run from Obama's shadow....Let's hope this trend continues. We gotta really push the fight to them!

Another step in the righteous direction...

According to Life Site News:

Personhood Colorado submitted signatures to the Secretary of State's office Friday for the Colorado Personhood Amendment. The signatures submitted totaled 79,817, although only 76,047 were required. All signatures are pending validation by the Colorado Secretary of State's office.

"We are thrilled with these results. These signatures represent thousands of hours of hard work," remarked Gualberto Garcia-Jones, co-sponsor of the amendment. "All of our volunteers are 100% committed to seeing that the dignity and personhood of preborn babies is recognized in Colorado, and it shows."

The proposed amendment states, in part, that "the term 'person' shall apply to every human being from the beginning of the biological development of that human being."

The signature campaign included hundreds of churches, as well as over 1,000 petition circulators, and other volunteers. All signatures submitted were gathered by volunteers, and the campaign was 100% volunteer-run, with no paid petitioners or staff.

"Colorado is paving the way for personhood," commented Keith Mason, co-founder of Personhood USA. "Hundreds of thousands of Americans are catching the vision of personhood, and we expect that several other states will soon follow Colorado in putting personhood on the ballot."

Once the signatures are verified by the Colorado Secretary of State, the amendment will be placed on the 2010 ballot and put to a vote.

"Our grassroots, volunteer campaign will continue to be a success, because we are working towards a very worthy cause -- protecting the lives of innocent Colorado citizens," Garcia-Jones continued. "The 79,817 signatures are an indicator that the people of Colorado are determined to protect innocent life; we will not rest until every child is protected by love and by law."

A similar amendment sponsored by Colorado for Equal Rights was defeated on the November 2008 ballot. Since Colorado's first attempt, personhood movements have sprung up in several states, including Kansas, Montana, Florida, Nevada, Alaska, and Mississippi.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Boycott Larry David!

Larry David is an American writer and actor. He produced two popular television shows; Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm. Larry David is a deplorable human being. On his show Curb Your Enthusiasm, he did a "piece" about his character urinating on a picture of The Holy Virgin Mary and people thought she was crying and they in turn preyed to her.

This is not humorous and all Catholics/Admirers of The Blessed Virgin should condemn this show and Larry David. They should condemn and boycott everything he did and anything he may do...END OF STORY!

There is no excuse for any practicing Catholic to watch any shows that Larry David is a part of. I greatly admire and adore the Blessed Virgin Mary and I take much offense at the actions of Larry David and all who participated in this show.

Just to clarify, I don't judge anyone who doesn't agree with me and I don't wish to push my views on any person in disagreement.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Equal Pay for Equal Work!

I suggest a constitutional amendment mandating employees in the public sector to be paid equal and have equal benefits as those in the private sector for similar work. The Bureau of Economic Analysis has recently released it's annual report of pay levels by industry. In 2000, the average compensation (wages and benefits) of federal workers was 66 percent higher than the average compensation in the U.S. private sector. The new data show that average federal compensation is now more than double the average in the private sector. In 2008, the average wage for 1.9 million federal civilian workers was $79,197, which compared to an average $50,028 for the nation’s 108 million private sector workers. How can this be justified? It is time to put an end to this madness. Citizens in the private sector are being laid off while our tax dollars are paying federal employees almost double the compensation!

The problem with federal employees doesn't stop at wages paid. There is also the obvious issue of their pensions. We, as American citizens are paying for their pensions. They don't contribute to 401K the way people in the private sector have to. They are "entitled" to a pension. Why shouldn't they have to pay 401K the way we do? Why should they be paid more for the same work? They are not entitled to any preferential treatment.