Saturday, June 19, 2010

American Morons....

How can any level headed American citizen still be in support of Obama..?!  From his gaffe spilling, big, obnoxious mouth and vulgarity to his complete lack of leadership in the Gulf oil spill, he has showed the citizens of this country what a fool he really is.  Obama is a liar, a loser, and an egocentric maniac. 

In every speech he gives, it's as though he is campaigning again.  "Change" doesn't happen on the campaign trail, Mr. President.  I don't think I've ever witnessed such a brain dead talking puppet like this "man".  This crooked Chicagoan calls female reporters "sweetie" and ask for who's ass to kick...!  This is how a construction working community organizer is supposed to speak, not the leader of the U.S.A.

 I was right; Americans are complete morons!