Saturday, June 19, 2010

American Morons....

How can any level headed American citizen still be in support of Obama..?!  From his gaffe spilling, big, obnoxious mouth and vulgarity to his complete lack of leadership in the Gulf oil spill, he has showed the citizens of this country what a fool he really is.  Obama is a liar, a loser, and an egocentric maniac. 

In every speech he gives, it's as though he is campaigning again.  "Change" doesn't happen on the campaign trail, Mr. President.  I don't think I've ever witnessed such a brain dead talking puppet like this "man".  This crooked Chicagoan calls female reporters "sweetie" and ask for who's ass to kick...!  This is how a construction working community organizer is supposed to speak, not the leader of the U.S.A.

 I was right; Americans are complete morons!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Mindstate of an Abortionist....

The abortion loving liberals are now taking baby killing to the next level.  They are keeping aborted babies in freezers, perhaps as trophies.  I know this sounds disgusting, and I'm not trying to poke fun at abortion.  I'm trying to rationalize why the "house of horrors" abortion factory in Philly was caught with over two dozen frozen babies in their freezers.  Some people speculate that they were hiding the babies to hide the fact that they were doing late term abortions. 

I think the perception of the baby killers is so out of reality that they may think it's normal to keep babies in freezers.  Who knows...??  One thing is for sure; these people and their procedures are immoral and disgusting.  According to some media source in Philly, there are people who are trying to close this abortion factory, and for that I'm glad!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Gaining Speed...

Hearing that the Govs of both Texas and Minnesota are speaking out about the traumatic effects of abortion brings a much needed smile to the faces of all pro-lifers!  This is one news bit of many that shows a growing trend towards the anti-abortion movement.  Our prayers are being heard! 


"Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Gov. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota noted in their declarations that abortion recovery services are fostering “a culture of life and hope” and playing a critical role in helping women, fathers, and their families cope with the after-effects of an abortion."

These are two men that should be supported!  It's great that two powerful people in American politics are speaking out against the mass murder of children.  We need to continue praying and setting the example needed to help stop abortion!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Nearly astounded and quite furious...yet faithful in the works of God!

We, as the opposition to the Obama regime, should be fighting as ferociously as wild animals (let's act civil to clean up our image).  How can the public be blinded by this "health care reform" joke!?  Don't they see the amount of taxes that will be needed for such a radical change in our country!? 

Can't people understand these two points: 
1.) This bill will cost LARGE AMOUNTS OF MONEY.
2.) WE (American Taxpayers) will be paying this by a drastic increase in taxes.

My prediction and the prediction of many others more informed (intelligent) than me is as such: Our taxes will increase! Income tax, small business tax, estate tax, excise tax, sales tax and any other tax you have the wind to name!  This bill will cost more; we have to pay more.  This is basic 9th grade economics. 

In my speech class at school, one of my fellow classmates (names shall be withheld due to copyright infringement) made a wonderful assertion.  We need to help the country from the ground up.  This means that we should be starting with personal relationships and then moving up to church/city level and eventually ending at state level.   It's up to the people to help others and make a difference.  We, as a society, have done it, are doing and we can continue to do it. 

Our states are falling into debt at a rate we can't imagine.  NOW, Obama and his democratic demons wish to take more money from my family and I.  THEN they want to mandate health insurance and the people of America DO NOT WANT THIS CHANGE. 

We have one helluva fight on our hands and we need to act!  Follow these anti-Obama steps and you WILL make a difference:
  1. Never concede to the enemy
  2. Don't spend YOUR money on anything that might help democrats.  Save it or buy a gun with it (LOL)
  3. Tell everyone you know that you're against the 'Bama (don't lose your job over this, trust me it's not fun)
  4. Blog and post online as frequently as possible
  5. Have courage and faith
  6. Say your prayers, no matter how boring it may be (just kidding, shouldn't be boring)
  7. Set a good, Christian example
  8. Write your senators/representatives (on my blog there is a tool where you can type your zip code and it will show you who they are and contact info)
  9. Letters to the editors of all papers you can find (I have a database in my email account of nearly 20 papers)
  10. Don't hesitate to start an argument. 
We need courage and perseverance in these trying times.  You need to understand that we're fighting for our freedom.  Let's make it count!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Call to Action...

I am now waiting for direction.  What should we do...?  When I say we, I mean Catholics and Christians. I don't mean republicans; they failed us miserably.  Now, it's up to us to continue our movement and pummel these bastards into the ground in every way we can. 

I'm waiting for my bishop to say I can intentionally NOT pay my taxes.  I am willing to act and take our fight to the next level.  At the rate children are being aborted now, what else do we have to lose?  This should be treated as the civil rights fight of the century and their are so many "conservatives" and "republicans" in America that could care less about abortion.  We need to continue the fight.  I'm hoping of a way I can dodge taxes and everyone should do the same.  You can send me to prison and end my life before I stop fighting these bastards.  We should all be planning how we can F&#K them for F#@!$%G us!

The direction I'm waiting for....

I'm tired of these democrats ending lives and being defended by our justice system.
I'm tired of these democrats giving my money to those who don't work.
I'm tired of these democrats pushing their socialist agenda on those who don't want it.
I'm even more tired of Catholics voting these bastards into office and then complaining why our country is in shambles.  Begin reading your bibles and stop preaching the word of God while you support abortion and defend Barack Obama. 

We need action...soon.  Continue angering people who have already been pushed around by the libs and you'll get what you've been begging for.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Boycott the Liberals!

My grandfather, a true WW2 conservative, has always said, "Democrats are evil and Republicans are stupid". On one hand, I have to agree with him. I am a Catholic Conservative and I have some ideas that I've discussed with fellow conservatives and they either don't listen, don't care or think I'm mental for thinking in such ways.

Why don't we, as conservatives get together and boycott? We are a very powerful group and if we work together, we can take the "tea party" idea and work together in a grass roots effort to hit others financially. I've noticed today that people on this site are blasting Tom Hanks. There are many Hollywood actors who are radical liberals and we can/should boycott them.

Some people will talk down about the political thoughts of Tom Hanks, Spielberg and Matt Damon; yet they spend 20 dollars to see their movies....HUH?!?! Don't you see you're giving them (radical liberals) your money? I personally boycott them and I spread the word to many, many people I know. Our money is not spent on any of that liberal garbage or those who support them.

We should set up a site to boycott companies who support liberal ideals because we are millions strong! Conservatives put millions into the economy daily. We should re-direct the spending of our millions and let people know what we are doing and why we are doing it. Eventually a difference will be made.

One site that does have a boycott list set up for companies in support of planned parenthood is:
We can take action and now's the time!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Cass Sunstein...Another Obama Degenerate.

Cass Sunstein is Obama's Regulatory Czar.  Cass Sunstein is a moral degenerate.  Here is another person given a very powerful position who has very radical thoughts.  This is another example of why Obama is such a fool.  I continually hope for his downfall.

 In a 2004 book that he coedited and contributed to, Animal Rights: Current Debates and New Directions, Sunstein wrote, "Animals should be permitted to bring suit, with human beings as their representatives…Any animals that are entitled to bring suit would be represented by (human) counsel, who would owe guardian-like obligations and make decisions, subject to those obligations, on their clients' behalf." And during a 2007 panel discussion at Harvard on animal rights, Sunstein said hunting for "sport and fun"—not for food—should be "against the law" and that greyhound racing, cosmetic testing on animals, and the eating of meat raised in inhumane conditions ought to be eliminated. He also said at the panel that the current treatment of livestock and other animals should be considered "a form of unconscionable barbarity not the same as, but in many ways morally akin to, slavery and mass extermination of human beings."

I believe animals shouldn't be treated unethically...should I be sued by a squirrel for running it over in the road?  How about hurting a fish's lip when I "catch and release"?  Anybody who supports this kind of thinking needs to seriously reflect on their opinion of the human race.  Also, how can Sunstein get away with comparing bovine to slaves?  Where's the NAACP on this one! Come on Jesse Jackson and the Rev Sharpton...where ya at?!?

Monday, March 8, 2010

Laity Need to Stand Up!

We, as the Laity of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, need to stand up and defend the principles of our Lord, Jesus Christ.  Many people have the opinion that the Clergy of the Catholic Church are not exactly "doing their job".  In my opinion, they are doing their job.  They are consecrating the Host, hearing our confession and administering the other sacrements. For Catholics out their who are not satisfied with the activities of our Bishops, or lack of activity, you should understand one thing:  It's our job, as the Laity, to spread the Gospels of Jesus Christ. 

Don't complain about the Bishops and Priests not doing their job when you bite your tongue at work when an opportunity arises to preach the teachings of our Lord.  Don't whine about the Clergy when you won't/don't bring your children to Mass.  Don't sob over the welfare of our Church if you're not willing to prey for the unborn and act on their behalf.  The Catholic Church is our Church.  It is a Gift given to us by our Lord, Jesus Christ. 

We, as the Laity, need to drive the Church to greatness and urge our Priests and Bishops to act according to the teachings of the Church (especially those hedonists at Notre Dame).  Let them do their job and administer the Sacraments.  We need to do our job and preach the word of our Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Get In Line...Unemployment Line!

Boy, what a shock it was to hear of the mass layoffs in Rhode Island.  Some people would feel very sad....I'm happier than heck to hear they fired them all. I love to hear of arrogant people losing their jobs in this economy. My boss asks me to work Sunday sometimes and I'm salary. If I told him no, I might get fired. Plus, I have loyalty to my company and pride in my work. These teachers didn't have either.  Good riddance to bad rubbish. 

Get in the unemployment line with the private sector. With the unemployment the way it is, those jobs will be filled in no time. The teacher's union is a waste of time and money....

These teachers in this union have been babied long enough.  There's American's losing their jobs and companies closing their doors and these "teachers" have the audacity to hold their hands out and ask for more.  Their minds are numbed by too many Obama speeches.

Article from Washington Post

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Update on Pension Crisis in America

Illinois is falling further into debt because of pensions. Now they have gone as far as to borrow money to pay government employee pensions.

Illinois politicians are at it again. They're borrowing from the future to make state pension contributions today.

In early January, while everyone was busy watching the nasty campaign commercials, the State of Illinois pulled an end-run on the budget process. On Jan. 7 the state sold $3.5 billion of "pension obligation notes." In simple English, the state borrowed money to finance the state's contribution to its five retirement systems.

In November 2009, the state's Pension Modernization Task Force sent its recommendations to Gov. Quinn. The Task Force concluded that Illinois' unfunded pension liability exceeds $61 billion! And that number is growing exponentially(Note: Projections have it at $89 billion by the end of the fiscal year).

Illinois now has public debt of more than $130 BILLION. Unlike the federal government, our state cannot simply create new money to pay its bills. At some point -- and that point is very near -- investors will no longer be willing to lend money that cannot be repaid.

It's amazing that the Fat Pat Quinn, abortion loving democrat, will probably get voted in again...Illinois is such a liberal state; they would rather have a liberal in office that ruins us financially (like Obama federally), than have a fiscally conservative republican in office.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Democrats Are Running out of Gas...

You gotta love these depictions of Obama. Some parade in Germany featured these floats of Obama. Germany did a wonderful job here!

Demmies all over America are "bowing out" so as to save face during the elections! Kennedy and Evan Bayh are just two of the pro-death democrats who are not going to run for election. They are probably going to run from Obama's shadow....Let's hope this trend continues. We gotta really push the fight to them!

Another step in the righteous direction...

According to Life Site News:

Personhood Colorado submitted signatures to the Secretary of State's office Friday for the Colorado Personhood Amendment. The signatures submitted totaled 79,817, although only 76,047 were required. All signatures are pending validation by the Colorado Secretary of State's office.

"We are thrilled with these results. These signatures represent thousands of hours of hard work," remarked Gualberto Garcia-Jones, co-sponsor of the amendment. "All of our volunteers are 100% committed to seeing that the dignity and personhood of preborn babies is recognized in Colorado, and it shows."

The proposed amendment states, in part, that "the term 'person' shall apply to every human being from the beginning of the biological development of that human being."

The signature campaign included hundreds of churches, as well as over 1,000 petition circulators, and other volunteers. All signatures submitted were gathered by volunteers, and the campaign was 100% volunteer-run, with no paid petitioners or staff.

"Colorado is paving the way for personhood," commented Keith Mason, co-founder of Personhood USA. "Hundreds of thousands of Americans are catching the vision of personhood, and we expect that several other states will soon follow Colorado in putting personhood on the ballot."

Once the signatures are verified by the Colorado Secretary of State, the amendment will be placed on the 2010 ballot and put to a vote.

"Our grassroots, volunteer campaign will continue to be a success, because we are working towards a very worthy cause -- protecting the lives of innocent Colorado citizens," Garcia-Jones continued. "The 79,817 signatures are an indicator that the people of Colorado are determined to protect innocent life; we will not rest until every child is protected by love and by law."

A similar amendment sponsored by Colorado for Equal Rights was defeated on the November 2008 ballot. Since Colorado's first attempt, personhood movements have sprung up in several states, including Kansas, Montana, Florida, Nevada, Alaska, and Mississippi.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Boycott Larry David!

Larry David is an American writer and actor. He produced two popular television shows; Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm. Larry David is a deplorable human being. On his show Curb Your Enthusiasm, he did a "piece" about his character urinating on a picture of The Holy Virgin Mary and people thought she was crying and they in turn preyed to her.

This is not humorous and all Catholics/Admirers of The Blessed Virgin should condemn this show and Larry David. They should condemn and boycott everything he did and anything he may do...END OF STORY!

There is no excuse for any practicing Catholic to watch any shows that Larry David is a part of. I greatly admire and adore the Blessed Virgin Mary and I take much offense at the actions of Larry David and all who participated in this show.

Just to clarify, I don't judge anyone who doesn't agree with me and I don't wish to push my views on any person in disagreement.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Equal Pay for Equal Work!

I suggest a constitutional amendment mandating employees in the public sector to be paid equal and have equal benefits as those in the private sector for similar work. The Bureau of Economic Analysis has recently released it's annual report of pay levels by industry. In 2000, the average compensation (wages and benefits) of federal workers was 66 percent higher than the average compensation in the U.S. private sector. The new data show that average federal compensation is now more than double the average in the private sector. In 2008, the average wage for 1.9 million federal civilian workers was $79,197, which compared to an average $50,028 for the nation’s 108 million private sector workers. How can this be justified? It is time to put an end to this madness. Citizens in the private sector are being laid off while our tax dollars are paying federal employees almost double the compensation!

The problem with federal employees doesn't stop at wages paid. There is also the obvious issue of their pensions. We, as American citizens are paying for their pensions. They don't contribute to 401K the way people in the private sector have to. They are "entitled" to a pension. Why shouldn't they have to pay 401K the way we do? Why should they be paid more for the same work? They are not entitled to any preferential treatment.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Home Sales Down Again!

According to MSNBC, "Home sales tumble 16.7%". The largest drop in more than 40 years. Why won't the media slam this guy the way they did Bush!? If this happened under the watch of any conservative, the media would pounce on them like a lion pouncing on a sickly fawn!

This is directly from MSNBC, "Last month's worse-than-expected showing underscores concerns that the housing market could weaken further after March 31, when the Federal Reserve is set to end its program to buy mortgage securities to keep home loan rates low". So if you think it's bad now, it could get much worse in a couple of months.

The radical, liberal supporters of Hussein will still defend him, although he is not helping our economy at all. I can't understand how people can't see thru this empty suit of a man....Barrack Hussein Obama.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Obama Approval Steadily Decreasing....?

Is anyone surprised that Obama's approval rating has been steadily declining over the past year? How can anyone support this man? He has lied several times and now it seems like he is "campaigning" again. What's this all about?

This man (although he doesn't act like a man at all), should be acting like he's at the top level of politics and here he seems to be campaigning for his liberal cronies! This is the president of the U.S.A. and he's trying to use what little influence he has left to secure the positions of his underlings so they can do his bidding in the future.

The people in the "media" should be jumping all over this guy. Whoever wrote the first story on his "antics" could win a freakin Pullitzer. There is so much crap on this guy that it's unbelievable. Now I hear he donated a whopping $15,000.00 to help the suffering Haitians. This is a noble deed, but not when you're a multi-millionaire several times over! He could give a little more, it's not like he's paying rent and medical bills! Besides, he used to talk a lot about "spreading the wealth". "Hey, Obama, spread some my way"!

Let's give a little summary of his sterling performance:
-Obama didn't close Guantanamo like he promised
-Obama didn't end the war like he promised
-Obama didn't bring home troops like he promised
-Obama sent additional troops
-Obama's security adviser's failed
-Obama hasn't created more jobs/jobless rate not getting better
-Obama threw a horrible pitch at the White Sox game
-Obama golfed in Hawaii while there was a terrorist attack
-Obama DID NOT allow healthcare talks to be aired
-Obama's approval rating, even among demmies, has decreased

Let's keep taking the fight to the left.....HARD! As conservatives, we need to be heard, and we've got some good momentum going!

Friday, January 22, 2010

More Big Gov Spending....

This big government spending is past the point of ridiculous....It's time for the conservatives in office to grow spines and get these radical libs out of office. They want to take our money and GIVE it to federal workers. How ridiculous!

The Bureau of Economic Analysis has released its annual data on compensation levels by industry. The data show that the pay advantage enjoyed by federal civilian workers over private-sector workers continues to expand. The George W. Bush years were very lucrative for federal workers. In 2000, the average compensation (wages and benefits) of federal workers was 66 percent higher than the average compensation in the U.S. private sector. The new data show that average federal compensation is now more than double the average in the private sector. In 2008, the average wage for 1.9 million federal civilian workers was $79,197, which compared to an average $50,028 for the nation’s 108 million private sector workers (measured in full-time equivalents). The figure shows that the federal pay advantage is steadily increasing. In 2008, federal worker compensation averaged a remarkable $119,982, which was more than double the private sector average of $59,909. What is going on here? Members of Congress who have large numbers of federal workers in their districts relentlessly push for expanding federal worker compensation. Also, the Bush administration had little interest in fiscal restraint, and it usually got rolled by the federal unions. The result has been an increasingly overpaid elite of government workers, who are insulated from the economic reality of recessions and from the tough competitive climate of the private sector. It’s time to put a stop to this. Federal wages should be frozen for a period of years, at least until the private-sector economy has recovered and average workers start seeing some wage gains of their own. At the same time, gold-plated federal benefit packages should be scaled back as unaffordable given today’s massive budget deficits. There are many qualitative benefits of government work—such as extremely high job security—so taxpayers should not have to pay for such lavish government pay packages.

As conservatives, we need to stand up and be heard! Keep fighting the demmies!

Monday, January 18, 2010

More Financial Problems for Illinois

It seems as though there’s no person in power that can fix the financial problems that have plagued Illinois for years. In September of 2009, Illinois unemployment was about 10.9%. This is .9% higher than the national average. Unemployment figures for problem cities are as follows; Peoria-10.8%, Danville-12.1%, Kankakee-Bradley, 13.6%, and Rockford with an astounding 15.4%.
The second largest city in Illinois, Aurora, is facing its own financial issues. In 2009, finance director Brian Caputo told the Aurora City Council that if spending wasn’t decreased they might see a revenue shortfall of about 19 million dollars. He said the operating costs were simply too high. This comes after the 108 million dollar police station was constructed at 1200 E. Indian Trail. How can this spending be justified? The state of Illinois is nearly a hundred billion dollars in debt, public and private employees are being laid off and 108 million dollars was budgeted for a new police station in Aurora!
This is not an ordinary police station with necessary features. This police station has many useless components. One of these is steel seismic beams that meet new earthquake standards. How is this justified? Another unnecessary feature of the Aurora police station has to do with the housing of criminals. In the jail, each cell has a layer of “liquid crystal” glass that will temporarily blur the view when detainees are moved throughout the jail. This will be the only jail of its kind in America. It also features the largest lead-free tactical firearms proficiency range in Illinois. How is this necessary? How can this be justified?
These added extras would be great, if the state of Illinois could afford it. Our debt in Illinois is steadily climbing and Pat Quinn is proposing new tax increases. The people in Illinois who are spending our tax money and proposing tax increases should be asked to justify this spending.

Luke N.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Obama: America's Joke

"I don't need to remind any of you about the situation we found ourselves in at the beginning of this year," Obama told people at a Home Depot stop last month. And then he reminded them anyways, detailing a nation in financial free fall when he took office. "I think we have been successful in averting disaster," Obama said on Dec. 16 about righting the economy. "You know, you don't get a lot of credit for that, because nobody knows how bad it could have been." Obama and his administration are one and the same...A JOKE! Obama took office and it reminded me of a spoiled brat kid who had everything handed to him. He, along with his blind supporters, thought the country would bend his way and the economy would right itself with his mere presence. Get real, 'bama!. This is America and it's time you stop blaming Bush and Reagan and act like a man. 'Bama needs to understand that when he took office, he took on the problems that the previous administration left. That was Obama's choice. Now it's his responsibility to fix it. Act like a man...not a spoiled little child. Obama might be charismatic and handsome (BIG maybe on both of these), but he has no substance. The dems are trying to take the view off Obama by blaming Bush...let's not let that happen. After one year as president, it's Obama's turn to sit in the hot seat. How does it feel, Barack Hussein Obama? I would like to ask Barack Obama one little question: Where's the change, prez? Why didn't you bring the troops home, as you promised? Why can't the citizens of this country hear the healthcare "negotiations", as you promised? Why can't the "negotiations" be televised on TV, as you promised? Why didn't OUR trillion dollars in tax money help the "jobless situation", as you promised? Where is the job creation, as you promised? This list is longer than you would imagine! It's time to really make our voices heard. We have to fight anybody that supports this regime, at every opportunity!