Can't people understand these two points:
1.) This bill will cost LARGE AMOUNTS OF MONEY.
2.) WE (American Taxpayers) will be paying this by a drastic increase in taxes.
My prediction and the prediction of many others more informed (intelligent) than me is as such: Our taxes will increase! Income tax, small business tax, estate tax, excise tax, sales tax and any other tax you have the wind to name! This bill will cost more; we have to pay more. This is basic 9th grade economics.
In my speech class at school, one of my fellow classmates (names shall be withheld due to copyright infringement) made a wonderful assertion. We need to help the country from the ground up. This means that we should be starting with personal relationships and then moving up to church/city level and eventually ending at state level. It's up to the people to help others and make a difference. We, as a society, have done it, are doing and we can continue to do it.
Our states are falling into debt at a rate we can't imagine. NOW, Obama and his democratic demons wish to take more money from my family and I. THEN they want to mandate health insurance and the people of America DO NOT WANT THIS CHANGE.
We have one helluva fight on our hands and we need to act! Follow these anti-Obama steps and you WILL make a difference:
- Never concede to the enemy
- Don't spend YOUR money on anything that might help democrats. Save it or buy a gun with it (LOL)
- Tell everyone you know that you're against the 'Bama (don't lose your job over this, trust me it's not fun)
- Blog and post online as frequently as possible
- Have courage and faith
- Say your prayers, no matter how boring it may be (just kidding, shouldn't be boring)
- Set a good, Christian example
- Write your senators/representatives (on my blog there is a tool where you can type your zip code and it will show you who they are and contact info)
- Letters to the editors of all papers you can find (I have a database in my email account of nearly 20 papers)
- Don't hesitate to start an argument.
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