Hearing that the Govs of both Texas and Minnesota are speaking out about the traumatic effects of abortion brings a much needed smile to the faces of all pro-lifers! This is one news bit of many that shows a growing trend towards the anti-abortion movement. Our prayers are being heard!
From lifesitenews.com:
"Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Gov. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota noted in their declarations that abortion recovery services are fostering “a culture of life and hope” and playing a critical role in helping women, fathers, and their families cope with the after-effects of an abortion."
These are two men that should be supported! It's great that two powerful people in American politics are speaking out against the mass murder of children. We need to continue praying and setting the example needed to help stop abortion!
What's it like to be a incredibly stupid mother fucker and yet have that be the best thing about you?