Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Evil Democrats, Weak Republicans

Conservatives should take a lesson from the democrats.  As evil, emotional and downright moronic they are, they sure know how to put up a fight.  When democrats and left-wing lunatics come across something they are against, they battle their opposition with the ferocity of a momma grizzly bear protecting her young.  They boycott, protest, yell, scream and do whatever has to be done to get their way.  They are pro-abortion, pro big-government, and anti-Christian.  They are fierce fighters and conservatives need to take a look at their tactics, because we are weak and pathetic when it comes to battling the opposition.

I was breezing through the FM channels this morning and came across 101.1 FM (Chicago area radio station) and wanted to see what the morning hosts were making fun of today.  At times they can be entertaining, although very stupid and childish.  One of the first things I heard them say was, "Today is ass Wednesday" (some sort of idiotic, failed attempt at mocking Ash Wednesday).  I was very offended by this, and not surprised by the anger towards the Catholic faith by the mainstream, Chicago media.  I understand that the producers of this show and the hosts have a right to speak about what they wish.  They need to understand that I have the right to NEVER listen to their show again, and tell all others I come into contact with that they should not either.  I will never listen to their show again and I will do all I can to ensure others know the type of bigots these fools are. 

The point of my story is that conservatives and Christians should be more ferocious when dealing with our opposition and those who wish to stand and battle with proud Christians.  I'm appalled and disgusted by all the Catholics who support our president and other democrats.  I find it pathetic when "conservatives" put their beliefs aside for enjoyment in life or a meaningless task.  Any Christian or conservative who knowingly supports a person, place, thing, etc. that is left-wing, democrat or anti-Christian is a hypocrite who compromised their beliefs.  They are cowards and weak individuals who belong kowtowing to Barack Obama rather than calling themselves conservatives or Christians.  They deserve nothing except for the title of cowards. 

I would rather be crucified than to support anything or person who is left-wing, or at odds with the Catholic Church.  I can't understand why more conservatives/ Christians can't live like this. 

This is why I believe Republicans are weak and Democrats are evil.


  1. Luke,
    Interesting post and I respect your religious fervor. Firstly, you capitalize Democrats. It is a party and a proper noun.
    Second, I resent your name calling. Left wing nuts? It's a bit inflammatory. Not all Democrats are pro-choice (please, it's the proper term. It's not pro-abortion or pro-death). The biggest expansion of the federal government happened under Ronald Reagan. His wife's staff was bigger than that of FDR. That's just a factual error of your post. I also wouldn't say that we on the left are anti-Christian. I'm a Christian, I would never have an abortion personally but legally, there is no justification for criminalizing it. I do appreciate that you realize we are fierce fighters though.
    I, too, resent the mockery of Ash Wednesday but I think freedom of speech is important in a democracy and as you said, you have the right to never listen to the show again.
    Your arguments are primarily religious though, and do not belong in the political arena. There is a clear separation between church and state and the Constitution is not biblical, but secular.
    The claim that all Democrats are evil is an overstatement of epic proportions and only goes to further the vitriol of public discourse that doesn't lead to any positive change but only widens the chasm between parties and individuals.

    Best wishes,

  2. I appreciate your comments and I'm glad you responded in a kind, mature manner.

    God Bless!

