Saturday, January 9, 2010

Obama: America's Joke

"I don't need to remind any of you about the situation we found ourselves in at the beginning of this year," Obama told people at a Home Depot stop last month. And then he reminded them anyways, detailing a nation in financial free fall when he took office. "I think we have been successful in averting disaster," Obama said on Dec. 16 about righting the economy. "You know, you don't get a lot of credit for that, because nobody knows how bad it could have been." Obama and his administration are one and the same...A JOKE! Obama took office and it reminded me of a spoiled brat kid who had everything handed to him. He, along with his blind supporters, thought the country would bend his way and the economy would right itself with his mere presence. Get real, 'bama!. This is America and it's time you stop blaming Bush and Reagan and act like a man. 'Bama needs to understand that when he took office, he took on the problems that the previous administration left. That was Obama's choice. Now it's his responsibility to fix it. Act like a man...not a spoiled little child. Obama might be charismatic and handsome (BIG maybe on both of these), but he has no substance. The dems are trying to take the view off Obama by blaming Bush...let's not let that happen. After one year as president, it's Obama's turn to sit in the hot seat. How does it feel, Barack Hussein Obama? I would like to ask Barack Obama one little question: Where's the change, prez? Why didn't you bring the troops home, as you promised? Why can't the citizens of this country hear the healthcare "negotiations", as you promised? Why can't the "negotiations" be televised on TV, as you promised? Why didn't OUR trillion dollars in tax money help the "jobless situation", as you promised? Where is the job creation, as you promised? This list is longer than you would imagine! It's time to really make our voices heard. We have to fight anybody that supports this regime, at every opportunity!

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