Saturday, January 23, 2010

Obama Approval Steadily Decreasing....?

Is anyone surprised that Obama's approval rating has been steadily declining over the past year? How can anyone support this man? He has lied several times and now it seems like he is "campaigning" again. What's this all about?

This man (although he doesn't act like a man at all), should be acting like he's at the top level of politics and here he seems to be campaigning for his liberal cronies! This is the president of the U.S.A. and he's trying to use what little influence he has left to secure the positions of his underlings so they can do his bidding in the future.

The people in the "media" should be jumping all over this guy. Whoever wrote the first story on his "antics" could win a freakin Pullitzer. There is so much crap on this guy that it's unbelievable. Now I hear he donated a whopping $15,000.00 to help the suffering Haitians. This is a noble deed, but not when you're a multi-millionaire several times over! He could give a little more, it's not like he's paying rent and medical bills! Besides, he used to talk a lot about "spreading the wealth". "Hey, Obama, spread some my way"!

Let's give a little summary of his sterling performance:
-Obama didn't close Guantanamo like he promised
-Obama didn't end the war like he promised
-Obama didn't bring home troops like he promised
-Obama sent additional troops
-Obama's security adviser's failed
-Obama hasn't created more jobs/jobless rate not getting better
-Obama threw a horrible pitch at the White Sox game
-Obama golfed in Hawaii while there was a terrorist attack
-Obama DID NOT allow healthcare talks to be aired
-Obama's approval rating, even among demmies, has decreased

Let's keep taking the fight to the left.....HARD! As conservatives, we need to be heard, and we've got some good momentum going!

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